
PHF TEAMS Committee Announces 2016 Award Nominees

Oh how time flies! It’s already the second year for the Paul Hsu Foundation Teaching Excellence Awards in Mathematics and Science. The PHF TEAMS awards were created to recognize excellence in the teaching of STEM education, and the program aims to incentivize teacher’s best efforts for encouraging STEM, while bringing about improved performance in their […]

CTAP Expansion: It’s About the Kids – Third of a Three-Part Series

As part of a $27,000 grant from Boeing, in combination with other donations, the establishment of a technology education program will become a reality at largely rural Laurel Hill School in North Okaloosa County, Florida. I am so pleased that the tech demo we held at this school earlier this year was successful in attracting […]

Meeting between Taiwan and China could bring thawing relations

The announcement of an upcoming meeting between Taiwan and China marks a truly historic opportunity. The feud between the two countries began shortly before I was born, and has lasted my entire life. Growing up, the dispute was an ever-present part of the cultural psyche and has helped to shape the world view of generations […]

CTAP Expansion: Second of a Three Part Series

The Crestview News Bulletin has published their second in a series of three articles discussing the upcoming expansion of Crestview Technology Airpark (CTAP), and the growth of STEM education in Okaloosa County through the Paul Hsu Foundation TEAMS award program. I believe that STEM education will provide the high tech skills needed for the workforce […]

CTAP Expansion: A Vision to Create More Jobs

The Crestview News Bulletin published a story today that is the first of a three part series about my plans to expand property I own with my partner, Bob Keller. Crestview Technology Air Park (CTAP) is a 20 acre tract of strategic Crestview real estate situated at the end of the Bob Sikes Airport runway […]